
Introduction to grasski

Little bit about grasski

In summer 2019 I got nice visit from Alex Wrigglesworth and his girlfriend. They came to the Czech Republic to try to ski on grass. They did ski with us for about 2 days. And this nice couple recorded all skiing and after their return home posted little video about grasski.

Please, note, Alex is not affiliate with us in any way, it is just one happy customer. And now check out his video...

Ing. Martin Štěpánek
ESmont spol. s r.o.
IČO: 60736062
DIČ: CZ60736062
Černovická 13, 61700, Brno
Czech Republic
phone: +420 603148858
Skype: Martajz
Twitter: @Grasski_net

Bank connection:
Fio banka, a.s.
bank account: 2500562236, bank code 2010
SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX, IBAN: CZ4220100000002500562236
Find in business register.
